Friday 25 October, what’s on in food and dining in Jervis Bay this week, including fresh sushi that is flying out the door, special vodka pasta and bottomless Sundays meze-style.
Sushi Daily at the Shellfish Market
October is a month of culinary celebration! Last week we wrote about International Chef Day. Did you know October is Seafood Month! It’s the ideal time for Jervis Bay Shellfish Market to team up with Blue Nami to offer fresh sushi prepared by Chef Egi in his signature style.

Freshly made sushi boxes are now available daily and they are literally flying out the door. In line with the market’s focus on sustainability, the ingredients of Egi’s sushi will change regularly. Popular this week were the tempura prawn and cooked tuna rolls with cucumber and avocado with a variety of toppings such as Egi’s special spicy and miso-based sauces, house-made crispy tempura flakes, flying fish roe, green onions and toasted sesame seeds.
Egi is also preparing grilled salmon nigiri with delicate slivers of NZ ora king salmon on a bed of sweet, slightly tangy sticky rice. The perfectly balanced rice leaves a clean finish that enhances the overall flavour and boosts the umami of the sushi.
That tangy taste comes from Japanese rice vinegar, which gives sushi rice its distinctive character. Fun fact: In Japan, they call this special rice “sushimeshi!”
Egi is planning to add new local ingredients to the sashimi, and is enjoying the creativity of working with the market team. He promises to keep us up-to-date so we can share the news with you.
Scott Walter, co-owner of Jervis Bay Mussels, is a great admirer of Egi’s exceptional talent, and says they feel very lucky to be working with Egi – plus he adds he’s never tasted better sushi in his life!
Pre-orders Available
The market managers, Jamie Toole and Michael Crumpton, told me that customers were phoning in their orders at 10am so as not to miss out, and this was only the second day that sushi was available in the shop! Now that’s a biggie. Obviously the jungle telegraph had spread the news amongst the locals.
Sushi boxes are available with small trays of six pieces or larger trays of 13 pieces. There are gluten-free options and non-seafood options, and a chicken schnitty version that is popular with the kids. If you can’t wait to devour your sushi, take a seat at the umbrella-covered tables right outside.

The Jervis Bay Shellfish Market is open Tuesday to Thursday 10-4pm, Friday 10-5pm and Saturday 9-3pm, at 6 Bolten Road Husksisson.
You will find Chef Egi Friday and Saturday evenings at the Sushi Martini Club, at the Jervis Bay Coffee Co on Owen Street Huskisson
‘The Best Alla Vodka Pasta You Will Ever Try’
Picture delicate pasta shells cradling a sauce of smooth, spicy, tomatoey, creamy, herby vodka sauce, created with locally distilled vodka and a specially-made pork sausage, served steaming with aromas, topped with Parmigiano cheese and Pangrattato – bread crumbs toasted in olive oil for that perfect additional crunch.

Now, be delighted that Bud’s Tavern has made Chef Kyle’s Conchiglie alla Vodka a regular dish on their menu.
I spoke to Kyle about the creation of this dish and the ingredients he has selected. Kyle explained the dish all began with his recent trip back home to Canada, where he met up in Toronto with a close friend at one of his Italian restaurants. Kyle said, “I enjoyed one of the best alla Vodka pastas I’ve ever had which inspired me to create my own version of this dish.”
His choice of the conchiglie – the shell – as the pasta is because of its ability to hold the sauce.
Kyle’s vodka sauce combines tomato and cream, spicy chilli with onion, garlic, herbs and a splash of vodka to enhance the dish’s flavours, finished with the toasty pangrattato.
The spicy sausage, which adds a kick of heat, was created specifically for this dish by Kory at South Nowra Premium Meats, it perfectly complements the sauce.
The vodka is from none other than Old Salt Distillery in South Nowra.
Michelle Robinson from Old Salt loves the idea that Bud’s is using their Vodka, and she shared a little about its creation.
“We like to make our vodka from scratch. It’s made from Riverina-grown winter wheat from Voyager malts, which boasts a unique flavour. We crack the grain and create a ‘wash’ to extract its sugars, allowing fermentation to release notes of buttery vanilla and cooked green apples. Instead of stripping away these aromas, we retain them for added depth. After distillation through our custom-built still with eight columns, the vodka is blended with Shoalhaven water, giving it a distinct character.”
If you like a vodka cocktail, try Bud’s Lady Assassin with delicate lychee/pineapple/strawberry flavours or a Bloody Mary with chipotle and pickled veg.
If you love Old Salt Distillery, they are now offering takeaway food orders Monday to Saturday 11-2pm, which is fantastic news. For in-house dining, they are currently open Fridays from midday till 7.30pm.
Bottomless Sundays Meze Style at Pasta Buoy
This Sunday 27 October from 1-3pm bring your appetite because there’s no need to think about what to order. Pasta Buoy has you covered with their Bottomless meze. Expect fresh pita bread with house made avocado hummus dip, marinated lamb skewers with triple cooked potatoes and cos lettuce salad. To wash it all down, choose from limoncello spritz and pina colada cocktails.
The weather is forecast to be a pleasantly warm 24 degrees, perfect for a long lazy lunch for $89 pp, you can pre-order a ticket online.
Drink Seaweed for Good Health
PhycoBucha is a new kind of kombucha with a twist – seaweed! Now available from our local seaweed science experts, PhycoHealth, in two flavours, hibiscus & pepperberry and mint & ginger. These little canned beauties can now be shipped to you, thanks to the clever filtration process.
So what exactly is PhycoBucha?
It’s best explained by its makers: “The Sea Tea Revolution – Our seaweed kombucha combines the centuries-old art of fermenting tea with the nutritional power of seaweed, transforming this drink into something that nourishes on a new level. It’s the tea of the sea—a drink that has its roots in the traditions of green tea fermentation but evolves into something far more enriched thanks to the unique properties of our locally cultivated seaweed. It’s a kombucha that’s not just probiotic, but ‘marinebiotic’.”