
Become a beach scientist this summer and help monitor changing coastlines

When you arrive at your favourite beach these summer holidays, you may notice something different about the coast. With the triple-dip La Niña now making way for El Niño, our beaches have been through a rollercoaster ride. Some beaches have been completely stripped of sand, while others have grown very wide. In the past, such changes went mostly unrecorded. However, thanks to a project known as CoastSnap, coastal data is now being collected like never before. Using designated camera cradles installed at beach viewpoints, CoastSnap uses community snapshots taken on smartphones to track [...]

Take Part in the Annual Aussie Backyard Bird Count

Do you know your cuckoo from your currawong? Even if you don’t, there’s plenty of guidance for novice bird counters online, for the 10th annual Aussie Bird Count. Starts this Monday 16 October and runs all week. As any local – bird watcher or not – will confirm enthusiastically, Jervis Bay has an incredibly diverse […]

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