Privacy Policy

Weekend Media
ABN 86630694950 


  1. This Privacy Statement refers to Weekend Media’s policy regarding the publications Jervis Bay Weekend, Kiama Coast Weekend and HighLands Weekend, and any personal information that you provide to us via the websites,, and
  2. This Privacy Statement is intended to be read in conjunction with the Weekend Media Terms and Conditions, which is published on all of the websites referred to above. By using these websites, you will be regarded to have accepted the contents of this Privacy Statement along with the Terms and Conditions.
  3. Weekend Media reserves the right to amend this Privacy Statement at any time without notice. Weekend Media recommends that you periodically review this Privacy Statement to keep up to date with any changes.

Personal information – what is collected

  1. Weekend Media holds information about you such as your name, email address and postcode when you give it to us via electronic communication. This may occur when you subscribe to our newsletter, enter a competition, send us an email, or engage with us on a social media channel.
  2. Weekend Media may automatically collect information sent by your web browser, including but not limited to: your domain name (i.e. the site after the @ in your e-mail address), your user name (i.e. the name before the @ in your e-mail address), the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, operating system and platform, average time spent on any of our websites, pages viewed, access time, and other relevant statistics. The information collected may be affected by the settings on your web browser.
  3. If you access our websites (or any part of them) via a social media platform (such as Facebook), you consent to us collecting, storing and using the information you make available to us via the platform. This includes your name, date of birth, the profile information you make public (including your profile picture) and location information (and any other information you may from time to time consent to provide to us). If you have questions about the specific social media platform, check its terms of use directly.

Personal information – how is it used

  1. Weekend Media may use your personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected, as described below. Weekend Media may also use your personal information for a secondary, related purpose.
    By providing your personal information, you consent to Weekend Media and its websites using it to:

    1. provide you with products and services (both those of Weekend Media and those of other entities) that may be of interest to you;
    2. collect payments for products and services;
    3. administer your account;
    4. provide you with new or amended information about products and services (both our own and those of other entities);
    5. monitor online activity on the Weekend Media websites;
    6. identify you and your posts or activities on our websites to other users and/or the public;
    7. organise and run competitions and promotions;
    8. expand existing and create new Weekend Media products and services;
    9. administer our business infrastructure, including networks, databases and IT systems;
    10. promote our products and the products and services of our suppliers and directory listing members to you; and
    11. conduct our business as required or authorised by law.
  1. In the reasonable process of providing our products and services or collecting and using your personal information, we may be required from time to time to disclose some of that personal information to third party organisations, including but not limited to:
    1. outsourced service providers and their personnel;
    2. third parties authorised by you to receive personal information held by us;
    3. our legal, accounting, financial or other professional advisors;
    4. regulatory, government and other authorities as required by law; and
    5. our associated and/or related organisations.
  1. All information sent to us by your web browser will be used only for the purposes of providing an effective service on our websites. We may from time to time provide data to the owners of third-party websites only regarding the number of users linking from our websites to that website, without any personal information that will identify you.
  2. Weekend Media may use the information that it automatically receives from your web browser to see which pages you visit within our websites, as well as which website you visited previous to ours and which website you visit after ours. Weekend Media may use this information to administer and improve our websites. This information will be collected and aggregated for statistical purposes, and will not identify your individual information.

    Direct marketing
  1. If you provide us with your personal information and you consent to receiving direct marketing communications from Weekend Media, you authorise us to send you promotional messages and materials related to Weekend Media’s products and services, although you may later request to stop receiving direct marketing communications.
  2. Weekend Media commits to including a prominent statement within our direct marketing messages and materials (including an unsubscribe facility) that you may use to send us a request to stop receiving direct marketing communications.

Use of Cookies

  1. Weekend Media may store some information on your computer such as cookies when you visit our websites. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to the hard drive of a visitor’s computer for record-keeping purposes. This information facilitates your use of our websites. You can, at any time, erase or block this information from your computer. Erasing or blocking such information may limit the range of features available to you on our websites.
  2. From time to time we use Google advertising programs that use cookies to improve your online experience, including the display of more relevant ads on external websites. Anyone may opt out of these programs at any time by clicking [here](
  3. Our properties may feature Nielsen proprietary measurement software, which will allow you to contribute to market research, like Digital Content Ratings. To learn more about the information that Nielsen software may collect and your choices with regard to it, please see the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at [](


  1. Weekend Media will take reasonable steps to ensure the security of any information you provide to us.
  2. Weekend Media will take reasonable steps to delete or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it was collected.

Links to other sites

  1. You may be able to access other sites external to our websites by clicking on links that have been provided throughout Weekend Media’s content. Weekend Media is not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites. If you wish to review the policies of other websites, contact the organisation/institution that administers the sites.

Contacting us / Complaints

  1. You have the right to access personal information we hold about you subject to the restrictions provided by law. If you have a complaint in relation to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact Weekend Media via the contact details below. Weekend Media will review each individual complaint received and respond after due consideration. Weekend Media may require the complainant to provide further information regarding the complaint.
  2. If you are concerned about our use of your personal information, or if you would like to review or change the information you have supplied us with, please write to us at: Publisher, Weekend Media, 2 Egmont Place Vincentia or email us at with the subject line, “Privacy”. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for access to this information.

Further Information on Privacy

  1. You may obtain further information regarding privacy issues in Australia by visiting the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website at

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